Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wild women

Stitch Magazine (Dec 2006) had some wild women brooches and I used the idea to make my Little Green Men. These are around 3 1/2 inches high, made from confetti fabric.

To make the confetti fabric I chopped up scraps of fabric into tiny pieces. Ironned bondaweb onto some base fabric, scattered the scraps over, covered with a piece of nylon scarf. I covered this with some non stick baking parchment and then ironed. Then stitched rows of straight stitch over and over changing the thread every few rows. Then I stitched a few rows of leaves and a few flowers. Then I stitched some more. It takes ages to make a sheet of fabric but a little goes a long way, and I don't need brain cells to make this so it is good to make on a day when I am tired. I backed the fabric with iron on pelmet vilene and more of the base fabric. Stitched the outline of the little men with straight stitch, cut out as close to the stitching as possible and then did a row of zig-zag to tidy up the edge. The face, hands and feet are artchix charms, hard to see in the picture but each little man has glass bead hair.


  1. Anonymous12:08 am

    those greenish men are just to cute,but I was wondering if you would share a few pics and a couple of word on how you made the fabric?

  2. I sent the step by step instructions to your e-mail address, please let me know how you get on, Wendy

  3. These are fabulous little pieces of art. Thanks for adding the fabric directions.
