Sunday, April 08, 2007

Workshop with Janet Edmonds

Weekend Workshop at Broadlands Art Centre with Janet Edmonds. Brian and Katydog came with me. We stayed at the Wayford Bridge Hotel in Stalham, which has a great restaurant and allows one very well behaved dog to stay. During th day Brian and Katy went off walking on the Norfolk Broads whilst I beavered away at the workshop.

On Day one we studied and sketched a 3d object, then made a wire frame and wrapped it with various heat distortable fabrics. Mine was a complicated shape and I haven't started to wrap it yet. Typical of me!

Anyway day 2 was using wire frames to weave the distortable fabrics and fibres and I chose a base of garden mesh.

I painted tyvek cloth with silk paints and cut it into strips and wove it through the mesh. Then wove shiny polyester strips and bunches of rayon threads. I made some 'eggs' from tyvek, stuffed those with cotton chenille and pushed them through the mesh. I couldn't wait to zap so there are some zapped bits even though it isn't finished.

The tyvek distorts and shrivels up except where it is held into place by the wire.

Then it goes holey and my chenille fibres popped through the holes. I added some beads threaded on wire as I just like beads.
There will be more beads added when the weaving is done and the distorting finished. I plan to seed bead and add a few hand stitches too.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:27 am

    I love Janet Edmonds work. I am a huge fan of hers. And lucky you to have taken a class with Gwen Hedley too - another one of my favorite textile artists.
