Saturday, May 05, 2007

"Her sun set when Gilbert died". Another of my meet my ancestors quilts.

My mum looks so happy in this photo.

One day, in May 1945, mum was told that her brother was missing 'believed killed', later the same day she heard that her fiance was also missing.

My dad was fished out of the sea and he came home, but Gilbert didn't. When mum died, 50 years later, I found Gilbert's letters on her bedside table.

I painted the blue background fabric ages ago. Really like it and tried to paint another, but of course I hadn't followed any instructions and no matter what I tried I couldn't re-create the piece. So it became the most precious piece of fabric I ever owned. I gave myself a talking to and used it for my mum. The photos were fiddled with in photoshop and printed onto hp t-shirt transfer paper. I prefer this paper as it isn't shiny at all, transfers well and it is easy to peel off the backing paper. I had very little of the painted fabric left over so decided to piece the border. I can't make up my mind whether to add anything to the left hand side of the quiltie so will leave it for now. The binding on the left is unfinished as I am not sure how I am going to finish these quilts. I might bind them into a book.

1 comment:

  1. Wendy,

    This is beautiful just the way it is. What a wonderful tribute to your mother!
