Friday, September 14, 2007

Silk Paper class. I went to the knitting and stitching show at the NEC yesterday and took a one hour class with Sarah Lawrence. This is the piece of silk paper that I came away with.

It was made by laying out cocoon strippings, spraying with dye and then adding a sprinkling of gold flakes. Then ironed between sheets of silicone paper. Very simple.


  1. This is a very impressive beginning. How did you ever get those silk thingies to lay flat enough to iron them????

  2. It was the fluffy stuff, I lay a very thin layer onto non-stick parchment. I have just pulled apart some of the strips, ready to make 'papyrus' style paper. Watch this space........;)

  3. Very nice too. Such a simple technique and yet the results are wonderful. I have a Sarah Lawrence DVD, I should imagine she is a good teacher - very patient I would have thought.

  4. Just found your blog today in a long from StegArt. You make lots of really cool things!
