Thursday, January 03, 2008

Pauline's Plethora of Paper Possibilites

At the beginning of December I went off on a weekend workshop playing with paper and stitch with Pauline Verrinder. We coloured and stitched and made books, bowls and other stuff. Pauline throws out so many ideas that very little is finished on her weekend workshops and I always come back with a pile of UFO's.

My New Years Resolution this year was to finish something. This little book was pretty awful. I had painted the paper a lovely yellow/pink/orange and then stitched it with a black core metallic thread. The contrast didn't work but it had taken so long to stitch that I felt I had to try to fix it before I threw it away. I painted over the whole thing with fabric paint and it looks much better. The inside has hand-made paper sheets. The cord has a core of threads and copper beads. It will do now.
Happily now that I have finished something I have fulfilled my NYR so can get on with the rest of the year consience free.


  1. My gosh, this is lovely. and I really like the little bead with the four leaves meeting in the center. you do nice work!

    Rachel (obviously not one of your detractors!)

  2. I love this handmade paper book/journal!! (Of course I'm in a beading frenzy right now and might add lots of beading)...did you m ake the pages also?
    Isn't making paper fun?!!

  3. It is very rare that I consider anything finished until it has a few beads on it. I love beads. I thought the little book was a bit too rough and ready for pretty beads, but the cord seemed appropriate and I managed to put a few on that :)
