Sunday, January 27, 2008

Winter twinchies

These are for a swap at cloth paper studio. We made twinchies using the theme 'winter'. I thought of those roaring fires that I used to stand in front of, burning my legs. And having to go out in the freezing cold to fetch a bucket of coal.
The coalhouse was part of the house, but the door was on the outside. The loo was next door to it. We didn't linger in there in the winter months! Soon after I left home my parents had a loo fitted in the upstairs bathroom and the coalhouse and loo converted into a downstairs bathroom, bricked up the outside doors and had a new entrance built via the utility room. They also had the coal range taken out, central heating put in and a gas cooker. Luxury.
In case you are thinking how ancient I must be, I will tell you that I didn't leave home until 1975.


  1. yeah, yeah, yeah, and I lived on the desert and it was 115 in the shade most of the summer. We used swamp coolers and I slept on the cement floor because it was cooler than in a bed.
    Sympathy is hard to come by when all your friends are the same age as you.

  2. Wendy- these are absolutely gorgeous. How sad am I that I missed out on this swap. Your work is beautiful!-Jenny
