Sunday, February 10, 2008


This is the postcard I have been working on for Susan's swap. I can't make my mind up if this is finished, have I intergrated the fishy thing into the background?

Clicking on the picture will bring a much magnifed image showing the stitching and stuff


  1. Wendy, The close-up of this postcard and the atc below are just phenomental--so very deliciously, texturey. You may yet inspire me to work with fibers.
    Cheers, Trish G.

  2. I'm wondering if you do more FME to outline the fish shape? I didn't recognize it as a fish initially, so that might give it more definition. the texture and colors are so wonderful!

  3. I think it's finished. I know it's lovely.

  4. Hi Wendy, I've just found you on the Fibre Artists Mixed media site. Very lovely postcard. I love the texture of course and the bright colours here. I notice you're doing some of the natural dyeing too... lovely colours.

  5. Hi!
    The postcard is beautiful! Thank you so much for trading with me at CYBER FYBER and especially for this nice blog post!
