Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Studio

Here is my studio finally finished. Since the builders left I have painted the walls (twice), hung cork on one wall and painted it (twice.) Sealed the floor (twice) and painted that. My shelves are up, my furniture moved in and the last box was moved over today.

This is my 'making a mess' area, with sink, running water and stuff. The tea urn is to heat the water to rinse off all the lovely dyed fabric and threads that I have planned. I scavenged the old microwave so that I can dye wool and silk too. Now that I have my own space outside the house, I hope to learn how to solder properly and maybe give my blowtorch a bit of a workout.

This is the other end of my studio workshop. This is the space for sewing and other textile crafts. The table is just the right height for printing onto my newly dyed fabrics.

All of my stuff has been sorted, boxed and has labels. In addition I have cleared out my old workroom (aka back bedroom) and re-decorated it so that my gorgeous grand-daughter has a pretty room to sleep in when she comes to stay. At this moment in time I know where everything is! Which is just as well, as I have two x two day workshops in the next two weeks, Alysn Midgelow Marsdon is coming to Sleaford Embroiderers to teach us about using metals in our work, and then Jane Callender will be teaching shibori and Indigo dyeing at the Lincoln Bailgate embroiderers guild.


  1. Champagne all around! I think it is just glorious that you got all this done in such a short time and squeezed in a visit to America besides.

  2. Wendy, what a lovely studio - making art is always a pleasure but with a workspace like this you'll be in paradise!!!
    Evie x
