Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Finding your own visual language

It seems like a lifetime ago since I completed my city and guilds and I thought it was time to go back to doing some designwork of my own. To give myself a kick-start, I bought a copy of 'Finding your own visual language' written by Leslie Morgan, Claire Benn and Jane Dunnewold. This is a great book because it takes you through exercises which will develop your own style, rather than follow step by step instructions to do a project. I have done the first exercise, it was a lovely way to spend a couple of hours just playing with a piece of paper.
Diane, aka Yarngoddess is going to be working her way through the book too and we hope to share ideas and experiences. if anyone else has a copy of the book and would like to share ideas and progress please let one of us know.
Pics from my first exercise are here

1 comment:

  1. I too have this book and you have inspired me to get it out again.
    Would love to share ideas and progress with you.
    what you have achieved so far is starting to look good.
