Friday, March 27, 2009

Quilt 2

I have to explain that GG is 5, a very girly girl and I thought that she would like a pink blanket for her doll. However I have been informed that baby Ashley is a boy and he doesn't like pink. His special request for green was turned down as I hate green and didn't have green fabric. GG then suggested a multi coloured blanket. So here it is. I romped ahead with the piecing, feeling quite proud of myself, but oh boy the quilting is baad! I quilted from the reverse and it took a bit of unpicking until I got the tension right, then I used the instant tie off on the machine. Of course this shows on the back, which in this case is the front and it doesn't look nice. I don't mind the wobbles so much, but I am not sure I have the stamina to hand tie and bury all the ends that would have been created stitching the circles. And with hindsight, it would have been better to sew those with the foot on.

I think I might have to make loads more of these little quilts before I embark on a bed sized quilt. Thankfully GG has many babies to look after and each one will need a blanket...


  1. I like it! and I bet she will too. it's bright and cheery and will fit a boy or girl doll.

  2. I think it looks fine Wendy and it's lovely and colourful too. My stepdaughter loves green but it's not my colour of choice either.
