Sunday, May 10, 2009

Old Sarum

Rolling English Countryside, photo taken at Old Sarum, near to Salisbury. The bright yellow is the rape seed plant.

Old Sarum is the site of a medieval Castle (built 1070), only ruins now. I love wandering around old ruins and this one has some very interesting bits. There was a privvy, which was a room high in a tower. Below was a huge chamber which some poor soul had to climb into and empty periodically. The moat is still there although it has grass on the banks now.

We were there in the morning and saw hundreds of baby rabbits.

A cathedral was built here in 1092, but dramatically damaged by a thunderstorm only 5 days after it was consecrated. It was re-built and enlarged but never finished. Instead the stone was taken and used to build Salisbury Cathedral. What you see in the photo is the foundations of the original.

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