Monday, September 28, 2009

I finished something

I am still searching for the perfect bag. There were one or two trials and tribulations but at least I finished this one. It is far from perfect and hopefully the next one will be better. The pic on the left is the bag empty, on the right is the same bag stuffed. This one has great potential.

The pattern for this one came from 'Easy Japanese Quilt Style' by Julia Davis and Anne Muxworthy


  1. Anonymous2:05 pm

    That is an excellent looking bag! Is it functional as well? Right size, right length, can you find stuff that goes down into the point?

  2. love it it's gorgeous!!!!

  3. Pretty bag. I too am finding it hard to find just the right pattern. The last bag I made was way too big for me. Thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog.
    Do post when you find that perfect pattern!

  4. It is a strange bag, it is a 9" cube, I tucked the sides in and tied it so it looks as though it has a triangular shaped bottom, but it hasn't. It will sit nicely when I go out and will hold loads of goodies as I come home :)

  5. I've just come for a second look Wendy after our lovely chat today. Maybe I'll have a look for the book you mentioned. It does look a good size for stash shopping! You'd certainly fit plenty of threads into it.

  6. Janet Taylor7:46 pm

    I love the bag Wendy
