Friday, November 20, 2009

Harrogate Knitting and Stitching Show

I went to the K&S show in Harrogate yesterday. Poop of a journey with an accident closing the A1 adding an hour to the journey, because we were later arriving there were no parking spaces, so it was a harrassed me that arrived. However a bonus was no queue for tickets so no wait in the cold. A sit down, a scone and a drink soon revived me.

First stop was the Oliver Twist stand. I always bust my budget here and this year was no exception, I bought hand dyed wool felt, a piece of abaca tissue, a red goody bag with dyed scrim, theads, silk rods and other bits for £6, a bag of red threads, more silk rods and some silk cocoon trimmings, these aren't the whole pods, just the tips. I calmed down once I had those and enjoyed the rest of the show at a slower pace.

CLAIRE BENN and LESLIE MORGAN are such lovely women, they demonstrate, sharing their techniques and patiently answer questions giving away their print secrets. There is a sign on thier stand saying "please take photos", so refreshing. I could have spent hours watching them screen printing. But I didn't - so much more to see. I did buy their latest book, which comes with a dvd. I already have a copy of the paper lamination book and they gave me the accompanying dvd.

RUTH ISSET was demonstrating Markal paint sticks on the ArtVanGo stand. ArtVanGo also sponsored 'Artists in Action' with demonstrations' I saw Ruth, Claire and Leslie amongst others and that is an area not to be missed.

I have seen JANNICE GUNNER's Indigo dyed shibori before, but never looked closely at the quilting on her work. My, Jannice can machine quilt and she knows just where to add a tiny speck of red to bring her pieces to life. This piece was amazing, and so restful to look at, I could easily live with this on my wall. It has 100's of tiny red and white french knots, hand stitching and machine stitching. Jannice generously allowed me to photograph this piece.

CINDY HICKOK had quite simple quilted figures leading you into her exhbition. They were lovely and put a smile on my face. Cindy's work at this exhbition was based on Impressionist's works of art, free machined on watersoluable and mounted in frames. What a lot of work! Quirky, beautifully made and wonderful titles.

This was my favorite piece from 'Art of the Stitch'. Balls of wool/cotton with a photo image and darning stitches. Made by GINTARE PILYPAITE, from Lithuania, it is called simply 'Grandmother'

ROXANNE HAWKSLEY's exhbition was macabre, fascinating and just a little dark! I did wonder where she gets her bird skeletons - are they real? I enjoyed looking at these and they made me think, especially the tiny people wrapped in cloth.

Guild Scholar JILL FLOWER's work was particularly
interesting, Jill stitched scraps of newspaper, glossy magazine pages and comics, + bits of lace to make very textural and interesting collars. All done on water soluable and free machined. Then beads and buttons added. Very different, would love to take a class with Jill.
I had a wonderful day and came home exhausted but happy, I didn't overspend by too much and there will be a special delivery for me sometime before christmas. A brand new on the market, made by Horn, folding sewing machine table. That's B's chrissy pressie to me sorted for him :)


  1. Anonymous1:42 pm

    Harrogate is Valhalla for me. It sounds like more of an artsy atmosphere than the quilt shows. Or maybe that is what attracts your eyes and appeals to me when you write about it. I will dream of going there someday before I die. So glad you had a lovely day after the trip and blogged about the best parts. You had a red letter day and bought red stuff - too perfect.

  2. Oh what a fantastic showing. I loved seeing all the photos so close up. makes me want to go and see it all too! those grandmother balls are amazing. I Love your oliver twist selection. I fear that would be my first stop too spending gobs and gobs. thank you for this fabulous post.

  3. As I read it, I thought...we need to visit Britain in November, even with the cold and all. For me, that would be refreshing, even damp and rain.

  4. Looks like you packed a lot in once you got there. The shopping looks very impresive. I'll try and do as well tomorrow. Was the screenprinting DVD free or have I misunderstood? I bought the same book at FOQ but haven't used it properly yet. Do you fancy a play day some time?

  5. The screen printing dvd came with the book. If you have already bought the book I would think you could buy the dvd seperately. Certainly worth asking Claire or Leslie. There must be something about textile printers as they and Ruth Isset are so nice, maybe it's something in the chemicals :)
