Monday, November 09, 2009

Playing with my beads

The past few days I have been sat by the fire watching rubbish tv and beading. This little brooch is 3 1/2 cm wide (approx 1 1/2").

These really simple little bookmarks are 8cm tall (3").

The bigger bookmarks measure 12cm tall (4 1/2"), they are all the same size (my cut and pasting was a bit off). The bookmarks will be sold on behalf of Sleaford Embroiderers at a craft fair to be held at the beginning of December.


  1. Beautiful work! Where and when is the craft fair (other than Ruskington?) You're not poorly sick are you?

  2. No I am hale and hearty. B went to Spain for a long weekend with his friends so I had access to the tele box for once. The craft fair is at the church in Ruskington on the 5th December. I will post full details when I can find them ;)

  3. Those . look . great!
    Fun and mindless, I hope.

  4. These are so pretty! Lovely work!
