Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Introducing Kizzie

Kizzie came home with us today. She came in, ate two bowls of kibbles, had a wee on the floor, explored, played for a while and then fell asleep on with her head on E's lap. We are in love.

Kizzie is 7 weeks old, a second generation labradoodle.


  1. OOOHH.....I'm SO glad I checked your blog! she's ADORABLE....what a little sweetie. Sounds like her transition to her new home went smoothly. What a little pumpkin. And a lucky boy E is to go with you to get her!

    just sign me jealous in EP

  2. I am in love with those whiskers!
    She looks exhausted from all the excitement of a new home but very much "at home" on E's knee.
    Thanks for the peek.

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! Kizzie is so sweeeeeet! Please can I come and play?!

  4. Kizzie is adorable. That picture of her asleep on someone's knees is a treasure.
