Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sleaford Embroiderers at The Hub

I went to see this exhibition yesterday. There were some lovely pieces of work, some innovitive, some I wanted to take home with me.

Mary Elmer's free machine embroidery is always awesome and she has a few pieces on display. This has strips of free machine embroidery mounted onto a painted background with net branches.

There were several pieces on show which were started at a workshop using hand made silk paper as the base. The pic on the right is Daphne Beever's "Fragment of an Elizebethan Garment" was lovely, another amazing piece from this selection is Rosemary Howe's "Cow Parsley", close up below.

The others were equally lovely and each one was different as the group members chose their own themes.

The challenge this time was to make a small piece of embroidery based on an item of news using only black, white and shades of grey. These made a fantastic display and it would be worth visiting the exhibition just to see these. My apologies for the poor photograph of the newsreel pieces.

1 comment:

  1. I shall look forward to seeing this exhibition this week. Thanks for showing the photographs.
