Monday, March 29, 2010

Red fingers and my Azalia

I don't have green fingers and usually plants take one look at me and die. As I took the wrapper off this one two buds dropped off and my heart sank. You see, this was a gift from my grand-son and he chose it so it is very special.

Two weeks later and here it is. Not only still alive but blooming and delightful. Perhaps my red fingers are slowly turning brown?


  1. Anonymous1:22 pm

    Your green thumb has always been there, you've just been washing your hands too vigorously! More time in the dirt is what is needed. Spring! Yea! Gorgeous little topiary, lucky grandma.

  2. oh, the blossoms are so delicate tinged with white, it's LOVELY! congrats on keeping it alive...I'm finally not killing houseplants either at this time of my life, it's amazing.

  3. The plant is beautiful. Your grandson did good. Happy Easter, Wendy.
