Sunday, June 13, 2010

From me to you 2

As so few people commented on my bookmark offer, I will be sending everyone a bookmark.  Rebecca and Susan, would you send me you snail mail address.

Thanks to those very few people who still read my blog, I feel like 'Billy no mates'.

***Susan, thank you for sending your address, your bookmark is in the mail


  1. I am guilty of reading and not commenting. it is a lame excuse but the fact I have a reader means I rarely click into people actual blog but know I do read and enjoy :)

  2. I didn't comment last time because I already have one of your lovely mermaid bookmarks. :o) I'm sure you're not 'Billy no mates''ve got me! lol

  3. Well I'm just glad I get a bookmark! Thanks, Wendy. And what's a Billy No Mates?

  4. I read your blog, but must have missed your giveaway, sorry. I have a giveaway on my blog and not many takers, so I must be a Billy too!
