Saturday, July 03, 2010

bark inspiration

Today I went off to Peterboro with Roz and Julie to visit some of the open studios.
We started at  (16) 'Art and Stitch' where Sarah was teaching how to make beaded buttons, along with showing her quilts, embroideries and sketch books.  Angela Watson and Pam Pardo also had work on show.  There is a shop attached and I bought some wool felt to dye. 

On to (4) with Sue Shields, Carol Burnett  Anita Bruce and Lindsay Wisniewski. Carol's freeform beaded bracelets were especially

Next stop was (5)   Julie Reid Ann Bellamy and Kathryn Moore.  Julies
paintings were serene, absolutely lovely.  Ann's jewellery was quirky and fun and I came home with this pin.  Kathryn hand spun, hand dyed and then wove the resulting yarn.  She also plays the piano rather well.

Julies garden was wonderful, interesting and restful and we did indeed rest and ate a scrummy cream tea whilst sitting in a shady spot. 

On to (8) where Kay Hall was showing her embroideries and mosaics along with Nadine Gereson and her silver jewellery.  Kay's mosaics were made using glass, textured, coloured and with metal and paper and goodness knows what.  (I wanted one in particular and may go back for that at a later date.)  Kay's garden  was amazing too with mosaics and rusting metal sculptures and glass mobiles and a simple pine tree with the most interesting bark.  The tree had been covered by jasmine until recently and what a beautiful and inspiring trunk reappeared when the jasmine was trimmed. 

I didn't take many pics of the work on show, so you will have to visit either the studios or the web sites for a look.  Most studios are open tomorrow and next weekend, info here 


  1. You've been quick blogging ;o) Thank you very much for taking me today, it was a really lovely day and lots of inspiration. :o)xx

  2. Anonymous9:48 pm

    You must have had a wonderful day! Sounds like a full schedule.
