Saturday, August 14, 2010

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

This is the beautiful Yorkshire Countryside, home to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park and close to where I grew up and where Claire lives now. 

The path to the entrance is made of steel with the names of those who contributed to the building of the exhbition space, sorry about my feet getting into the picture :)

This is the first sight of the David Nash exhibition, carved and burnt wooden columns. 
The exhibtion is spread over two indoor galleries with more outside. These are carved and burnt.
These are bronze castings of carved sculptures, rusty and very interesting, click to zoom in for a closer view.
Carved and burnt wooden sculpture
Click to zoom in for a closer look
This was my favorite.

There are many sculptures to see, spaced over many acres, but we only looked at the David Nash as we had children with us, but I did see a Henry Moore in the distance

1 comment:

  1. Now I really do need to go to the YSP. Fantastic sculptures, especially the carved wood and the rust works are great too. Did the burned pieces smell? There were some pieces like that at the Eden Project a few years ago.

    I'll email you separately :)
