Monday, September 13, 2010

The joy of finding a quilt exhibition whilst on holiday

It was by a mysterious coincidence that we strolled past the Minerva Arts Centre when they had a quilt exhibition.  Or not.  It was a wonderful surprise to find Jackie Smith's work on display. 

Dramatically modified sweetcorn was incredibly textured.  Close up below.

The work entitled 'soft stone armour' was the one I wanted to bring home with me.  It looked very subtle but once you got close it had amazing textures and colour. 
This small area of 'summer' shows the delightful quirkiness of Jackie's work. 
Sheena J Norquay is another name I recognised.   I was hopping from one piece to another in excitement when I saw these.  The one on the right is from a hanging called '25'

This and the one below are from 'silver circles' and are great examples of how to turn simple mark making into a lovely hanging

'Uplifted' was another great use of simply painted fabric.  This shows just a tiny glimpse of the quilt.
There are more photos on flickr including photos of the quilts to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the European Quilt Assoc

1 comment:

  1. I shall have a look at the Flickr album later when I have more time. Many thanks for sharing all these photos. I do like Sheen Norquay's work and I'm doing a workshop with her at the end of October, can't wait!
