Monday, January 03, 2011

inspired by Sonia Delaunay

This is one collage that I can show.  It is simply bits of glossy magazine.  I see bondaweb and hand-dyed fabric in my future..


  1. I like this, especially with the black background. You're right, it would make a good textile piece. On you go! I havn't joined in but the thoughts there, just need to get started. I'm off to research Sonia Delauney, I know she was married to Robert Delauney and I know a bit about him but not her.

  2. pm

    Yes Wendy I can just picture this is an art journal let you know if I try

  3. hi wendy love the idea may have a go myself dint use bondaweb steamaseam2 is a much bette product love tina
