Thursday, May 05, 2011


St Gilbert of Sempringham  founded an Abbey.     Princess Gwenllian daughter of  Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, the last ruling Price of Wales before the English conquest (also known as Llywelyn the last) was taken to the Abbey when she was 18 months old and kept there until she died aged 54.
Until recently she didn't even have a memorial.  

The church is all that is left of the Abbey complex now, even the original village has disappeared.  It is a strange looking church, with two definate halves, and evidence of major alterations in the stonework.

This is one of the gargoyles high on the tower

This Mutant Ninja Turtle was on another corner of the tower.

I searched around the ancient grave yard and found lots of poignant images including this treasure, a winking sun bathing angel.

I was playing with my new camera.

1 comment:

  1. Like the new header :-) the last time I went to Sempringham it was in the Spring many years ago and all the daffodils were out. I found it a really atmospheric place. You wonder how Gwenllian must have felt to be kept there all her life. I'm glad she's got a memorial now.
