Thursday, July 14, 2011

My birthday present

My fabulous parents-in-law always give me cash for my birthday, I suppose because I have asked for some quite strange gifts in the past - soldering iron, heat gun, bench drill :) 
I have had my eye on this book for ages, but it was expensive and I have too many books, but I succumbed and spent this years birthday money on Amazon.

My heart beat faster when I opened the book.  It is wonderful, the colours are fantastic, the work is amazing and beautifully photographed.  It has been a long time since I was so inspired by anything.  THANK YOU Jan Messent.

If I have wetted your interest, you can have a look inside the book at Amazon


  1. I succumbed to this book some time ago and it is beautiful. I shall have to refresh my memory of it!

  2. oh MY! if that book is not perfect for you, I don't know what is! maybe I'll get to peruse it when I visit???

  3. you will be allowed to take a pile to bed every night :)

  4. Isn't this a fabulous book? I had it for my birthday and never get tired of dipping into it.
