Sunday, August 28, 2011

dyed and discharged

I bought a thermofax screen at the FofQ and gave it an outing this afternoon.  This was a piece of dyed cotton from last summer, more colourful (orange) than it shows here.  I had some Jacquard discharge paste at the back of the cupboard, I won't own up to how long it has been there but years rather than months..

I love it! 

What potential!, it needs over printing and work and stitch and beads and stuff, but it is a fine start and I doing an teeny tiny happy hop.

I have been reading Leslie Morgan's 'Tray Dyeing' book and if Leslie can tray dye her fabric three times, then I am not dispondent about my limp dyed cloth fiasco.  It can go back in the soda bath and then back into the tray. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:04 pm

    It's a process... and this one is moving nicely toward success. Do more - please?
