Monday, January 09, 2012

TAST Fly Stitch

Week one of the TAST challenge

I can do fly stitch :)

I like fly stitch :)

The sampler has a piece with multiple fly stitch's but it needs a million more.                       


  1. havnt started mine yet, felt should asrrive tomorow cant wait, yours looks well done plenty of texture....

  2. Your fly stitch work is great! I didn't get started this week due to being out of town for the holidays and cannot wait to get home and start!

    I also want to take a moment to invite you over to my blog to read about a quilt show I am hosting live on my blog beginning Feb 1. The show is called Crazy Quilts Are Quilts Too. The show is designed to bring awareness to all of us crazy quilters and the work we do! There are a host of fantastic prizes to be won! Hope you will come check out the information and hopefully participate!

  3. Great fly stitches ....although there are only 3 on that first picture, it is rather lovely!
