Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pests. Treasure lost and now found

Mice!  They have enjoyed a wonderful winter in my garage feasting on the dogs kibble and treats.  They left behind enough evidence to convince me that I had to take everything off the shelves, and scrub with industrial strength disinfectant.  I also sent three car loads of tut to the tip, sorted and put stuff back where we can find it if we ever need it.  At the back, under a pile of assorted junk, there was a huge packing case, leftover from when we moved (10 years ago).  I unpacked it and found the contents of the display case that we had left behind in our old house. 
There were one or two pieces that have already gone in the charity shop bag.  BUT I found three pieces of Art that my daughters had made as part of their art GCSE (19 + 15 years ago).  Where did that time go?

First up is the bowl of strawberries that E hand stitched from felt with gold marker added to represent the seeds. 
This was supposed to be a self portrait of C, she never did the expected.  At the time I seem to recall she had lush dark chestnut curly hair reaching way down her back :)  And hazel eyes.

This is E's self portrait.  Isn't it fab.  Both pieces were made from clay, and fired.  C's is glazed but E chose to leave hers natural. They not only survived the kiln but are still in perfect condition and are now in my 'new' display cabinet.

 In the same box was a plaster face cast, made when E was at summer camp age 11 or 12.  It is tiny as was she then.  And very precious.  It is a little fragile and I will be looking something to display it safely.

The mice may be a nuisance, but because of those, I found serious treasure, so they are forgiven for now, but the little blighters had better not invade again.


  1. Good to see you tackled the meeces and what a reward :-) So have you got lots of space to create in now? I've been ill for over a week with a grotty cold so not a lot getting done here but I did get to York yesterday. Just need to stop coughing!

  2. ha ha little blighters nested in myfur lined rigger boots I left in garage, I wont wont wear them again yeugh1

  3. oh they're wonderful Wendy! so glad you found them. darn mice were good for something anyway.
