Sunday, April 22, 2012

Once Upon A Time paper bag album

A while ago I was making paper bags so that I could make a paper bag album like the one from Kathy Orta
My album has a hard backed cover and 5 pages inside.  Each page has a pop in book and lots of space for photographs.  I added lots of bling as C is a happy ex-Essex girl :)
More pics on Flickr

 A second album for E is well on it's way to completion, I may even make one of these for myself..


  1. cor blimey, wish Id seen that in the flesh

  2. been to flicker now-gorgeous....

  3. Great to see you on Saturday. Can you and Julie come over for Sheep Day on the 19th May?? Tina will be stitching away in the studio whilst I dye outside!!
