Monday, September 17, 2012

St Wulfram

A bit old, a bit ancient and a bit nearly new.

St Wulfram Grantham (Lincolnshire, England) was built in Saxon times, re-built by the Normans, added to until the 15th century and then 'improved' by the Victorians. 

Two doors high on the walls seem a little incongruous, turn around and look at the doorway

and it is clear that some alterations have occured somewhere back in time.  The lovely arched doorway was hacked at in order to build an extra level, the 'new' floor has long gone though. 

This little door shows part of the Victorian alterations, see the pipework?

those ugly pipes lead to these

not just any old pipes in this church

 memorial plaque on the wall

Stone carving on the door to the crypt

Gorgeous gold work

Across the road from the church, this door

There are amazing doors with graceful ironwork, carvings galore, the textiles are a mix of old and new and beautiful.  The stonework has the orignal mason's marks. Pattern everhwhere.  I will be going back again

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