Saturday, September 29, 2012

the sun has got his hat on hip hip hooray

It was a lovely sunny day today so I took myself out to enjoy the fresh air.  Who knew what goodness you could find in an old graveyard?  Well to be honest Susan Lenz does amazing work using grave rubbings.  Anyway, today, as well as my camera, I took a couple of wax crayons and some cartridge paper with me. 

I soon realised that the heavily carved stones don't rub well, so concentrated on the text instead.  Isn't this fab?

It didn't take long to get a pile of inspirational pieces of paper.  These A4 sheets will be painted and no doubt 1/2 will be ruined but the beauty is, I can just go back and get some more.

Those who know me will understand how fast my heart beat when this image started to appear on the paper.  This beauty was carved on the back of a slate stone. 

Even the rubbings which didn't work well have interesting marks and once painted will make good pieces for collage.  I will definately be keeping crayons and paper in my 'go to' bag in future.

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