Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Cloth paper studio have a pocket swap.  Eventually we will have four different pockets to turn into a pocket book.  This is the front of one of mine

and this is the back.  It was made on a base of felt, with scraps of fabric machine stitched into place, then embroidered and lastly I added the buttons and beads.  It is lined with orange fabric.

this is the front of the second one, the fabric scraps were stitched onto the felt in a more haphazard way, and I embroidered around the buttons. 

and the back.  

I have been making other stuff but that was more of things you have already seen, I won't bore you with a photo of 6 more baggies or even the 5 little birds I made from truly scrumptious moda Kasuri fabric

I went to K&S at Harrogate.  We went on the Friday and it was comfortable with less pushing and crowding and more being able to see.  Apart from my little sidestep to Oliver Twists stand, I stuck to my list but I seemed to have spent a small fortune.  Fabric isn't cheap these days!  I enjoyed being able to see the exhibitions, loved the artists open studio.  Was disapointed that Linda Monk's new book wasn't available.  Anne Small and Sue Walton's Jabberwocky stand was packed and no wonder, I especially loved the Queen's Army pieces.  The Tales of the Unfinishable was excellent.  Lots of pieces of work with stories behind them, many of the sad.  I wish I had bought the accompanying book now. 


  1. They are so sweet. Love the colors and your embroidery.

  2. they are very lovely indeedmake me think of the beach..

  3. I love your pocket and the idea of turning them into a book sounds absoloutly delightful.
