Wednesday, December 19, 2012

more Marakech

We spent a lot of time in Jemaa el Fna sitting people watching whilst eating a tajine
or drinking mint tea (and coke!)

I love these tables, and the rooftop view gave us loads of oportunites to watch the huge diversity of people crossing the square. 

If there are 1million bicylces in Bejing, then there must be 1million mopeds in Marakech.  We saw some amazing balancing acts but the most surprising was a woman wearing a full burqa - I wondered how she could see properly to drive and how she kept her dress from catching on the chain of the moped.  She clearly could and managed very well. The man with the 20 or so trays of eggs balanced on his knee (he had one hand on top of the stack of eggs and the other on the steering wheel) was entertaining too. 

Taxis, mopeds, donkeys, and white vans alongside Mercedes and four wheel drives all passed through the square. Occasionally it seemed all in the same square metre at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:47 pm

    Glad you relaxed and enjoyed the people watching as well as the animal watching. No wild adventures?
