Wednesday, May 01, 2013

sad day

Over 8 years ago my friend Rachel and I opened up a new group on Yahoo. 

ClothPaperStudio came about because there wasn't a group doing what we wanted to do.  We collected over 800 members and for a time were very active with our swaps and challenges and information sharing.

Then life happened.  With the owners, and our amazing moderator Sue unable to devote the time needed to keep the group buzzing, we decided to allow the group to go.
It has been a wonderful few years, I flew to America to meet Rachel and Diane (twice) and they in turn came to England.  We have become best friends and I predict more flying across the Atlantic in our futures. 

Bye bye ClothPaperStudio.  I will miss you


  1. Anonymous12:05 am

    A sad day, indeed. I will miss this very special group terribly.

    Margaret F.

  2. That's a shame Wendy. Could some of you carry on but in a different form? I can see how such a large group would be a big demand on anyone's time.

  3. I am sure we will keep in touch via blogs and email, at least I really hope so..
