Sunday, June 30, 2013

missed oportunities

I walk past this field every day, lately it has been a field of bright yellow but I noticed the poppies coming out and thought "must take a photo of that".  It looked amazing. I finally got around to it today and what do you know.  The rapeseed has bloomed and gone to seed and apart from the odd spot of yellow the view is now of green with masses of poppies.  Still a heart warming view but once again an opportunity I missed through faffing about..

What is it about poppies that make us feel good??

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:51 am

    Aaaaah, poppies... Such happy flowers, blowsy and brightly colored. They remind me of the carefree summer days of childhood. Discovering them in the edges of fields of oats, barley, or rye, along with blue cornflowers, was pure joy. Those fields are all gone now.
