Thursday, October 03, 2013

Cloth and Memory Salts Mill

I went to Saltaire to see the Cloth and Memory exhibition.  Wow.  There were some quite special works on display, some of my favorites were the embroidery frames by Caroline Bartlett - I could have looked at these for hours

Caren Garfen's embroidered ribbons on wooden reels were beautifully stitched and so poignant - each one a name taken from the local 1891 census.  Tiny objects were attached to some of the reels.  I wanted to find out more about the girls listed here.

Rachel Gray's layered stitched pieces brought English Paper Piecing into the 21st century,  another of those 'I could look at these forever' moments.

I loved Yoriko Murayama's spirals and Jeanette Appletons books.  We had a lovely day, ate a scrummy lunch and came away enthused.  I have more photos here


  1. Oooh! I'm jealous, but glad you enjoyed the exhibition. I've read lots of good things about it.

  2. Oh wow, that venue is so inspiring and the work done is great. I am drawn to the colorful works on the flickr site, but having been there for last year's show, which was so thought provoking, I know the power of exhibits there.

  3. Exhibition looks fab! Thanks for sharing these photos.

  4. thank's for your information and i like yoru post

  5. Oh my... I wondered over here when seeing that you'd hit the "follow" button on my blog. I'm sitting here a bit breathless at the moment after viewing your photos of Cloth & Memory and wishing it had been possible to see the exhibition in person. Alas, Connecticut is a bit too. And see we share a last name. Does your family have Irish roots as well? Enjoy!
