Sunday, October 21, 2007

Inky Pinky Plonky Poo
Oh dear, I don't know what to do

The pigs are flying overhead
The cows refuse to moo
The sheep are saying ba ba baa
The ducks have gone to the zoo


The bears are eating museli
The lions say boo hoo
The dolphin has a broken leg
Oh dear, what a to do

The Elephant has lost the plot
The mouse lives in a shoe
The fox is eating strawberries
and....about the kangaroo

He has

Gold bullion in his pocket
And in his pouches too
The policeman waves his trunch e on
And we all hide in the loo

Oh dear, what are we going to do

The judge, he says "you naughty boy"
"Off you go to prison"
I've only got a tiny cell
Where nothing can be hidden

And now I am stuck, a prize of an atc is offered for the best last verse

Both last verses are excellent and I would like to send an atc to thank you for entering into the spirit of my daft poetry. Would 'justthesmallstuff' please let me know who you are and where I can send your wondrous piece of art ;)


  1. Anonymous9:14 am

    I love, love, love this!! I'm going to read it to Georgie tonight and see if she can tell me what happens at the end (she's great at making up stories).

    Em xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. And so in vain, I searched and searched,
    until I started to scream,
    And when I did, I woke myself up,
    Because it was just a dream!

  3. Charming poem. Hmmmmm. I'll think on it.

  4. Trish sent this one....

    Then, like lightening, inspiration strikes...

    I'll spend my cell time crafting.
    I carve my soap into a rope
    And shimmy out my window
    The silly guard feels such a dope!

    He didn't know that art could help me cope
    with any situation!
