Friday, June 20, 2008


ATC's. I like to try out stuff and these are a great way to pretend I am producing something worthwhile when I am really just
playing. The first has a base of pelmet vilene
painted with dyn-a-flo with a tiny bit of sparkle added in. I punched out a circle and rubbed Markal oil stick through the hole, then again just under to make the reflection. Then I tore the paper and rubbed Markal over the torn edge to make the waves. I will probebly stitch a tiny boat on the hoizon line.

For the second one, I scanned the image from a rubber stamp into the pc, enlarged it and printed it onto hand dyed fabric pre soaked in bubble jet set. Then I stitched french knots. So what? you say. I learned how to stitch french knots, that's what! One more stitch learned :)

The third atc is on a base of hand dyed fabric, with a stampers paper (angelwire, I think) and a piece of painted lace. The little heart is made from confetti fabric. The confetti fabric is a favorite of mine, it takes ages to make an A4 sized piece, so I only use tiny amounts.

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