Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy birthday to me

Do you think my daughter is trying to tell me something?
Three cookbooks for my birthday.

Gg drew this picture on the back of the envelope containing my card.

Not very happy about the being a year older malarky but worth it for all the nice thoughts and the lunch with Brian.

A small side note. My brother asked me how old I was?? I replied that I am four years younger than him, same as always :)


  1. GREAT card, Claire! and love Gg's artwork. Happy Birthday, Wend!

    I really like the ATCs on the previous post too. wonderful. and I love how you have the full view to see all the glorious texture and stitching.

  2. I think the snail drawing means that GG wants you to slow down on having birthdays.
    Eventually your brother has already quit having them.

  3. Sorry I missed wishing you a happy birthday, Wendy. hope it was.
