Saturday, November 22, 2008


One of the things I love about the k&s show is that I get to see and chat with old friends and catch up with what is going on. This year I was amazed to see Ruth Lee had a stand with some gorgeous machine knitted and felted (fulled) things. Ruth was my hero when I was taking the c&g and of course I had to go and chat. Ruth believes that machine knitting is about to make a come back and she is hoping to write a new book. That's fantastic news. Ruth's "old" books are still valid and every machine knitter should have copies. imho. There may be a new blog soon too.

Nicky Dillerstone is normally to be found up to her elbows in paint and glue and with a heat gun close by, so I was surprised to see her sitting hand knitting. Nicky's workshops are always great fun too.

As soon as I get the water issues sorted out in my studio, I will be setting up my faithful Brother and getting back into knitting too. I have missed the rythmic peaceful feeling I always get when I knit - I don't miss the bruised and bashed toes though. You have to be a knitter to understand that one :)

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