Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas time

I love the simplicity of this tree, loads of tiny square mirrors and three birds. It has pride of place in the kitchen/family room. DH loves the baubles and flashing lights etc so that tree lives in the room he occupies most of the time along with the tv set :)
After 33 years of marriage, I have my in-laws coming for Christmas for the first time - how scary is that. The house has been scrubbed, bedrooms emptied of all my tut, the decorations are up, the mince pies made (home made mince and pastry), I have done the shopping and wrapped the presents and I am ready. I feel quite virtuous. Dh decided yesterday to re-paint one wall but only did half, so today I had to do the other half. Duh!
I hope everyone reading this will enjoy a happy holiday and the very best of health, wealth and happiness in the new year.


  1. I've been enjoying reading your blog. Your tree is lovely. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and all the best for 2009.

  2. Anonymous11:48 am

    I can see why this tree stole your heart - it's beautiful!

    Have a lovely Christmas (in-laws and all hehe).

    Evie x

  3. Do hope you have a wonderful Christmas Wendy and look forward to catching up in the New Year.

  4. I love the tree, Wendy. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  5. I love the tree, Wendy. I hopoe you and your family have a great Christmas.

  6. Wend, what a wonderful tree! Simple, sparkly and birds...what more could one desire? I love it. Glad you survived the holidays.
