Monday, May 18, 2009


We had a couple of hours to wait for the Cathedral to open so walked across the square to the Alcazar Palace. Typical huge stone walls but as we walked through the entrance there was a hint of what was inside. I started to perk up a bit when I saw this.

The orange tree planted right up against the stone wall was lovely, loads of ripe oranges too. Hmm, but Seville oranges are used to make marmalade so they weren't for eating.

The detail on the stone wall in the garden was great too.

Then we went inside

There were many amazing archways like this one, check out the detail and the colours

The doors had texture and colour and pattern too.

This is a detail from the door on the right

Did I mention the floors and the ceilings

I turned 360 degrees, looked up at the ceiling and down at the floor and was sure I had died and gone to design heaven.

There was far too much to see in one visit, I want to go back for a week with a pile of sketchbooks and pens and paper and crayons to do rubbings and and

If anyone is inclined to look at more photos from the places I visited you can go to and while away an hour or two :)

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