Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dyeing day

I followed the instructions from 'Dyeing in plastic bags' by Hazel Deighan. I don't usually bother with following instructions and when I did this batch I was convinced I wouldn't get nice fabric. There seemed to be far too much fluid in the bags. The duff pieces are definately due to my bad scrunching, the recipe worked just fine. I may even follow it again :)

Some of the pieces will need over dyeing or maybe printing over, but I don't mind that. They do look nice and bright drying on my washing line. The one story building in the background is my studio, now finished and a joy to work in. Having this super space hasn't made me a better artist though. Shame about that...


  1. Anonymous6:50 pm

    Has made you a happier person...

  2. The fabric looks wonderful and the important part of having a dedicated studio space is having the space to grow. Enjoy! It looks fantastic.

  3. What a gorgeous collection of bright cheery fabrics and it looked like a lovely day at your house too. So envious of your studio!

  4. Aren't you lucky to have a whole building to work in?
    I have just been dyeing velvet oiut of necessity. I hate it but I love the outcome!
