Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Corfu Town

Next stop on our tour was Corfu Old Town. It has two rather splendid 16th Century Venetian Forts. Of course we had to climb to the top of the first one. Worth the effort for the views across the bay and the town but also for one or two interesting bits of rock. This tree had grown right through the wall of the fort, nature triumphing over man :)

Up a flight of steps and around a corner and
came across this amazing sight.

And at the very top, in the open air, there is still some painted plaster. This piece of wall fascinated me, was the wall initially red and then painted over with blue?

I turned around from taking the picture of the
plaster wall and took this photo to prove to my daughters that I really did climb to the top. If you zoom in, you will see tiny houses nestling against the city walls.

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