Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I have had this yearning to go to Dubrovnik for ages and it wasn't disapointing. It has old and newer history, fascinating stories and the most wonderful custard slice I have ever eaten along with the gloopiest chocolate drink. The old town wall is intact and around 1 1/2 miles long. And very very high, with low walls and my knees wobbled once or twice, especially as I walked along the bit in the photo with the long drop on the land side and scary moving sea on the other. I think I climbed a million stone steps!

You may have to squint a little to see the steps at the end of this alleyway. Lots of people lived up near to the top of the town walls, and they had to carry everything they need up those steps, one man was carrying bags of sand, what a job. Bet you don't pop down to the shops three times a day :)

This picture was take from the wall, looking down into the town. It was amazing to see the ruins so close to homes. The vast majority of the roofs in the town have been built within the last few years as most were destroyed during the bombardment of 1991/92, that is why they all look so red, no time for moss or lichen to grow on them.

Sometimes it was difficult to tell which was ruin and which wasn't.


  1. I decided I'd answer a few comments and clicked to look at your blog and have been stuck here reading about your wonderful travels.Dubrovnik Rome and Seville all look amazing but I am wondering what type of holiday gave you those three places?
    Did you drive, or fly or go by train?

  2. We cruised from Southampton on P&O's Oriana. We took a late deal, inside cabin, and it didn't cost nearly as much as everyone expects. My next trip will be a cheap flight to Granada with friends, I 'Need' to go to the Alhambra.
