Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More puppy stuff

Kizzie asleep in her favorite spot.

Today we introduced Kizzie to her new red harness. We couldn't agree on which way up it went, Kizzie thought it was a horse harness and grabbed it like a 'bit', she managed to squeeze both legs into one slot and then half ran and half hopped off. Even so she managed to out run both of us, partly I imagine because we were laughing so much at our ineptness and the ease which Kizzie out manouvered us. When we finally caught up with her and got it off, she trounced off and threw herself into her bed. If she could have slammed the door, she would have.


  1. Anonymous2:09 am

    Oh, look at those legs - hers not his. She is getting tall! What a perfectly indulgent pose for B to hold so she doesn't fall off the sofa.

  2. :o) She's a bit young for teenage tantrums ;o) Bless!

  3. no way! she's not entering teenage years already is she, with the slamming the door? her favorie spot to sleep looks a tad risky to me...
