Saturday, February 13, 2010

Miss Kizzie growing up

The pic of Kizzie with her (late) football was taken at the end of the day, see the fat belly? Every night she goes to bed looking plump but in the mornings she is back to skinny but an inch taller.

Kizzie seems to think the most amazing place (and where she most needs to be), is upstairs. If we forget to lock the gate, she can open it and thunders up the steps. Sadly she hasn't worked out how to come down yet and so wails for someone to go and get her. Then we play the game of 'can't catch me'.

Brian saw Kizzie Whizz sitting like this the other day and gulped. She was laying where Katydog had, a thousand times. Just over Kizzie's shoulder on the right is a photo of Katy. I smile each time I see the picture, and I confess I still occasionally talk to her.


  1. On the upstairs landing... such a pleading little mug. She is getting too big, for sure.

  2. Too sweet for words and so fluffy!
