Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kizzie visits Ben

Today we went for a ride in the car to visit Ben. Kizzie was sick three times on the way and I now have a wonderful carrier bag with towels and my sweater festering in the car boot.
Ben is the crazy greyhound who lives with C, H and E, regular readers will have read of one or two of his escapades.
I was a little worried about how he would react to Kizzie, but he was a charming gentleman, welcomed her into his home, wagging his tail. Kizzie hid behind us for a couple of minutes and then enjoyed running around and playing. I took two hide shoes for them to share and they thoroughly enjoyed them, occasionally swapping, you can see in the picture how relaxed they are, although Ben does seem to be guarding his :) When we left, Ben cried. Kizzie slept all the way home and wasn't sick once. I think we will be going again soon.

I did manage to visit my sewing room yesterday and achieved something. I took up two pairs of trousers, not exactly artistic but more than I have done for weeks. One or two days of sunshine and I am craving action of the studio type.


  1. So glad they got along and no sickness on the way back home. yay. I couldn't find Ben initially. His escapades have made him larger than life in my mind, and I was picturing a behemoth dog! too funny. And Kizzie remembered her long lost sibling E I presume??

  2. He is a very large greyhound, when he stands on his hind legs he is just short of 6 foot tall. It is the angle of the photo that is deceptive. He is bigger than Nikki :)
