Saturday, February 20, 2010

woe and broken toe

We took Kizzie to see the vet on Friday and her toe is still very sore. So no exercise until Monday at the earliest. I am not sure who is suffering more, Kizzie because she is bored, or me and B because Kizzie is bored. She did come downstairs all by herself - admittedly there was a treat on every step, and I was there to catch her if she fell, but she did it. Then she ran upstairs again. Luckily Kizz still thinks that the id kibble are tasty treats so she can have as many as she wants.

This afternoon I sloped off to my studio and had a grand clean up. I found dirty paintbrushes and jamjars from my last fabric painting day (back in October). I am ashamed. They cleaned up fine. I moved the tut into B's garage and scrubbed and tidied and feel loads better for it. It is amazing how much better I feel after a couple of blue sky days.

Tomorrow I am going to 'Textile in Focus' in Cambridge where I will be taking a 2 hour workshop with Isobel Hall 'Books with open embroidered spines'. I have charged my camera and hope for loads of pics to share. BIAB :)

1 comment:

  1. Jealous of the workshop! I bought her book on bags with paper and stitch. This too shall pass, boredom for Kizzie and B. Good for you getting a good cleanout!
