Saturday, May 26, 2012

round robin

Do you remember this ?  Real life issues meant that it has taken longer than we planned to send the circles round but we have now quartered them and the first stitching is done.
I got quite attached to mine, did some simple stitching but I wanted to do more and more.  I had to confiscate it and seal it into the envelope ready for posting, but the temptation to take it back out and do more is pretty strong. 

I can do straight stitches, and french knots, you wouldn't believe how self disciplined I had to be not to put knots in the centre of those six pronged thingies. 


  1. 'six pronged thingies' is a technical term I'm thinking. I'm impressed with the circles, I need to have a go at this.

  2. go on-- stitch a bit more...

  3. go on... stitch a bit more....
