Friday, June 01, 2012

Stitch Cloth Shimmer & Shine

I was waiting to see the book before I decided whether I needed it on my shelf, funds being what they are.  But I couldn't wait any longer and treated myself to an early birthday present.  It came today and I am sat here with tears in my eyes and a huge lump in my throat. 
The book is a must have for anyone who likes playing around with mixed media stuff, or textiles, or stitching or even who likes to look at great artwork beautifully photographed and with close ups.  Sarah never held back with information and this is no exception.  The inside book cover has a picture of Sarah, with her lovely smile.  
I was talking with some friends recently, and we were laughing about the stuff we have in our cupboards that Sarah 'made' us buy.  Her enthusiam was infective but her creativity was awesome.


  1. Anonymous7:03 pm

    Wow, I really want to see that book, leave it on the coffee table, please?

  2. My library will be open 24/7 :)

  3. I too bought Sarah's last book and have been drooling over it ever since. I've even done one or two things in it.

  4. thhat good?IWANT ONE!!!-may look at byours first
